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HomeFood, Health & SoulHow to get out of a rut!

How to get out of a rut!

Dose of Bliss owner and star journalist, Lindsay Hoffman shows you how to re-frame your situation and bounce back better than before.


Get out of your rut by reframing the situation!

To Reframe– reframing a situation means to take a situation and think of it in a positive way. For more in depth information on reframing check out a post I wrote called ‘Find Opportunity In Any Situation

Everyone goes through rough times but it’s how we deal with those moments that we have control of. If we want something we must go up and get it. In case you happen to be going through one of those hard times, here is a new creative way to help you get out that rut and jump-start your path to success!

Below is a worksheet that I made where you can write down the things that are holding you back and reframe the situation to help propel you forward! Sometimes we just need to put it right in front of our face! I suggest taping this to your mirror when you are done as a reminder or keeping it somewhere you can look at it and watch how you’ll get closer to your goals and dreams.


Copy and past the text and fill out the guide below!

Exercise 1

What are three qualities you have that hold you back? Think of three things that you say to your self are reasons why you cannot achieve whatever it is your goals are. For example: I’m too nice, I’m not good enough, I get stressed easily, I’m not tall enough, etc.


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Now below write down why you feel these qualities hold you back.








Exercise 2

Now Let’s reframe it!


Write down how those three negative qualities can be positive qualities.




Negative quality: I’m too nice.


Reframed to positive: Being nice is an amazing quality that inspires others to be better and make peoples days better. Being nice can be used to my advantage and help me get to where I want to be by making others happy and comfortable.

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Exercise 3

Now that you have identified what you feel holds yourself back and reframed the situation to realize that “weakness” can be turned into strength. Write down one to two (or more) easy ways to implement these new positive thoughts into your lifestyle.



Negative: I’m too nice

Reframed: Being nice is an amazing quality that inspires others to be better and make peoples days better. Being nice can be used to my advantage and help me get to where I want to be by making others happy and comfortable.

Lifestyle: I am going to write affirmations each day about how I make others happy and that I attract positivity to me. I am not going to get down on myself when I feel that I am overextending myself, instead I am going to recognize why I feel that way and work to learn how to say no sometimes.




Exercise 4

Get out into the world and do exercise 3! The only way to make a change in your life is by doing! What are you waiting for!


Please share this activity with your friends and family and let me know your thoughts! If you like the worksheet click here for another worksheet I created to help you with visualizing your goals!

About Dose of Happiness and Lindsey Hoffman:

People get to wrapped up in their lives and forget to smile. Dose of Happiness is here to bring back that smile and encourage positive healthy lifestyles. There are so many ways to change a bad day to a good and this site will show you quick ways to feel good! This site will include easy fun ways to keep your self motivated and to inspire not only yourself but encourage you to inspire others.

About Lindsay:

Hey, I’m Lindsay Hoffman. A Chicago native with a passion for motivating others! I obtained a bachelors degree in journalism and mass communications from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications, and became an award-winning journalist receiving international awards in Multi-media reporting by the Society of Professional Journalists and the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications in 2012.

Currently I’m a freelance reporter. I’ve worked with InTouch,  Life & Style Magazine, and Closer Magazine. I’ve traveled all over the country covering everything from red carpet events to celebrity court trials.

To fill up on your dose of happiness visit Lindsay on her  blog





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