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HomeBusinessTop 7 Signs it's time to crowdfund

Top 7 Signs it’s time to crowdfund

by Malena Amusa—The signs are there. Your mission wakes you in the middle of the night. It’s on your vision board. It’s scribbled in volumes of notepads. It’s the light of your soul, and you simply can’t stop talking about it! Suddenly you wake up to the headline that Levar Burton raised millions of  dollars to bring back Reading Rainbow, yes Reading Rainbow from way back then….

Orange Crowd Funding Button on Computer Keyboard. Internet Concept.


Well, strain your brain no further and let me assure you. It’s time to launch your crowd fund!  As a dance entrepreneur who has effectively raised $17K+ online for various projects, I can tell you, the experience is priceless. Even if you don’t reach your funding goal, you will test your idea and bolster your capacity to raise funds in the future.


Don’t talk yourself out of it. Decide now to believe in the power of crowdfunding. And when doubt strikes, review these top signs to know when the stars have truly aligned for you to crowdfund.


  1. Your story is pretty epic

You discovered your birth ties to Congolese refugees in your city and now want to assist your new-found friends. You invented a highly effective tool for improving learning in autistic children. Whatever your story, it’s thoroughly inspiring, epic even! Every winning crowd fund starts with a powerful story. If your tale moves people to joy or tears, you’re one step closer to a winning fundraiser.


  1. Your project is palpable

Are you raising funds for something people can see, read, experience, feel, track or buy? The more tangible your project, the more likely people will support it. We live in a product-driven world. If your goal involves something people can take home, you’re headed for crowdfunding victory.



  1. Your friends are amped

When the people closest to you start saying things like, “I was thinking about your idea the other day, and I want to help,” or “You should write a book on that!”, or “Gee, you inspire me,” — then you have an amped network ready to donate on the spot. Crowdfunds run on passion. In my experience, one in 10 of my amped friends will donate to my campaign. The average donation on GoFundMe clocks in at $67. Do the math and start fundraising today!


  1. You know a journalist or two

You routinely write your online or local editors, know a couple journalists, or don’t mind building your Twitter following and cranking out the good news. Well then, you’re on your way to generating the buzz you’ll need to crowdfund.


  1. Your middle name is Superman

You’re the cape-less super hero with more good deeds under your belt than you can count. Now if you can turn your good deeds into a video of what you plan to do with the money, then it’s time to start your crowd fund!


  1. You got skin in the game

Gone are your days of savings, new clothes, expensive organic foods, and a new radiator — all because you’re building your dream. No, you’re not at the edge of despair, you’ve got skin in the game, and can steer the money in the right direction.


  1. You have a picture of LeVar Burton on your vision board

LeVar Burton, the host of Reading Rainbow, raised $6.4 million on Kickstarter to roll-out the digital version of his show. He’s now the poster child for crowdfunding. You aren’t nearly as famous as LeVar, but your mission is just as important. At the point that you’re idolizing other crowdfunding champs, you’ve signaled to the universe that you’re ready!


Your goal at this point is so wild and contagious, money is begging you to be donated. And let’s face it, you need the money, so be brave and get out there and crowd fund! Some popular platforms include GoFundMe, CauseVox, and GlobalGiving. These sites have developed crowdfunding into such a science, there’s almost a surefire benefit, not to mention, an easy-peasy way to determine how much and how fast you’ll raise your money.


Now, if your goal can not wait another day, then you, yes you, must launch your crowd fund right away!


Malena Amusa is a dancer extraordinaire, communications star, and founder of Addlifeworld entertainment company. To learn more, visit her site:here


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